The Wild Beastfolk

Beastfolk are the product of Bray the Keeper, the lord of beasts amongst the Eidolon, the new gods. They were created as punishment for the abuses the god believed humankind had visited upon the other lesser beasts of the World that Was. He twisted and warped many until they came to resemble beasts themselves, and in their minds he planted The Call of the Wild. Driven into borderline madness, these beings left their settled ways behind and migrated into the wilds and woods where their descendants live to this day. The first beastfolk declared themselves the protectors of the wildlands and its bestial inhabitants, taking hostile action against those who attempted to settle in the wilds.

The Beastfolk have no central language or culture shared between them, and no homelands to call their own. Instead they form herds or packs with beasts like unto themselves, living amongst the animals as their guardians and protectors. In some exceptional cases, the beastfolk have even taken to herding and ranching their animal kin, and it is thanks to these industrious members that beastfolk are found in every province in equal share. Unfortunately, this extreme propagation has led to just as many destructive beastfolk pillaging as it has to nomadic herders interacting with the landed peoples. Many of these interactions are tense as beastfolk understand the value of personal possession and property, but their nomadic lifestyle makes many feel they can and will evade punishment.