Five Pillars

The Lore


The histories record Daear (Die-err) as having once been a beautiful and spacious place, with great human empires spanning across the land, boasting magical marvels that beggar those of the modern day. Humankind was initially preoccupied with its own conquests and petty squabbles, its gods plentiful and happy to indulge their followers. These gods were called the Domara, for they grew powerful and wise as they aged, and humanity finally calmed and began its adulthood, wherein the world united into several large empires, who worked their hardest to avoid war rather than wage it. For thousands of years they had ruled and endured, but they found in time it was not to last.

In this time, new gods the peoples called the Eidolon emerged, and they were great and powerful unto themselves. Many denizens, bored of the gods of yore, flocked to the Eidolon and were forever changed by them. These new peoples became so different from their former kin that they resented their forebears, and the feeling was mutual. Within only a few generations of their appearance, these Eidolon (called Invaders or Usurpers by those of the old faiths) with their followers determined that there should be no gods but them, and a bitter war began.


Seventy-two years ago, during the ultimate battle to occur in the Pyrrhic Age, both factions had battered one another into ruin in the Bacheran River Valley when a great white rift opened above the battlefield. Pouring from the sky were beings made entirely of pure white light, who descended upon the battlefield, homing in on the wounded. Lances of light and a rain of blows fell upon both sides as these new threats made themselves known: The Endless. Domara or Eidolon, it made no difference. The Endless cared not whom they slew, only that they slew mankind and its descendants. For three days the peoples and gods of Daear fought and resisted, and so died. It is from their sacrifice that the most important lesson of the Battle of the Bacheran was learned: there was no hope to resist The Endless unless the people of Daear fought together.

A perfunctory pact was made between powers, and the greatest heroes surviving in that age were brought to bear in alliance. The three days of battle would come to be known as the Battle of the Bacheran. In the river valley, the greatest forces of The Endless were defeated in a stunning last effort. Celebrations rocked the world, but the rifts that had brought The Endless to Daear persisted, and small forces of the fiends still crept through them at regular intervals. The survivors convinced their peoples to offer support to keep The Endless from assembling a force that could not be countered with the current state of the world. Politicians met and negotiated the creation of The Bacheran Pact, an agency who could not raise an army, but could build facilities and provide financial aid to those that would take the fight to The Endless.

It has been sixty-five years since the founding of The Bacheran by pact, but in that time more rifts have opened, and their operations have slowly expanded across the entire globe. Now, on the Celdonath Frontier, small rifts have been spotted, predicting the opening of another larger one. The Bacheran have moved in to create a mercenary outpost called Numena, seated at the base of one of the Five Pillars of a forgotten empire.