The Stalwart Dwarves
Despite the robustness of dwarven defense, a slow chipping of their holdings occurred over the millennia. Dead and forgotten dwarven warrens sit as stone tombs of their defenders, and the Krum-Kahzak, the underhighways, are littered with their broken remains.
Dwarves were once the most powerful Children of the Eidolon, their empire spanning great mountainous and subterranean expanses of Daear. In service to DunThalmuz, God of Fortifications, the dwarves turned the earth and quarry stone and erected cavernous fortress temples in his name. Despite the robustness of dwarven defense, a slow chipping of their holdings occurred over the millennia. Dead and forgotten dwarven warrens sit as stone tombs of their defenders, and the Krum-Kahzak, the underhighways, are littered with their broken remains.