The Steadfast Humans

The Kingdom of Nerthôl is the mightiest united force of the Gwaredûr and is ruled by a council of seven Stewards, each from one of the noble houses of Tariȃn who founded the kingship. The people of Nerthôl are stalwart defenders of humankind, but are cruel and brutal when faced with the Gaelûn, such that the word is now an insult of great offense amongst their people. This hostility does not extend to the nephilim or revenants in general, but is sometimes applied to these ancient allies of humankind as well.

During the three thousand year Pyrrhic Age, humanity paid the blood price again and again for their past sins, to the point where some despaired that Mankind’s time may have been spent. Unable to reach the same mythic heights as the Gaelûn—the children of Eidolon (the new gods)— the greatest minds and mages of humankind banded together to prevent certain destruction. The Marbaghd, an anti-human genocide of unprecedented scale, was halted by the creation of the Gwaredûr, true-blooded humans whose might matched humanity’s heroes from tales of old.