The Productive Littlefolk

The Littlefolk came into being by the organized collaboration of three gods: Fenzzik, Kurzzon, and Nothog. The three brothers worked together to create a government under their shared rule, and each imparted traits onto their followers to mutually support one another. The children of Fenzzik hungered for the peace of freshtilled earth, those of Kurzzon sought the rush of innovation, and those of Nothog sought the joy of creation. While they are children of Eidolon, children of the new gods, the Littlefolk live human-scale lives due to their elevated metabolism. These traits led the Littlefolk to create many rolling and productive farms surrounding sturdy and wellmaintained architecture, crowned by spindly cranes of the newest design.

While the Littlefolk were ill-equipped to fight in the Battle of the Bacheran, the ultimate battle of the Pyrrhic Age, they still found themselves drawn in, and were subjected to the absolute terror of The Endless. The Littlefolk are more united now than they ever have been, trying to make sure their form of creation still has a place of Daear for generations to come.