The Divided Nephilim

In the world of antiquity, the Domara had many Angels and Demons that served as their primary messengers and agents. As was the nature of humanity in those days, they lusted after these servants, and in the fullness of time, the race of the nephilim came into the world.

These half-human half-divine creatures lived between both worlds and manifested powers beyond those of normal mortals. The nephilim gradually integrated into human societies and served as agents of their angelic and demonic parents’ masters until the coming of the Eidolon. Their role took a massive turn with the emergence of these new gods.

The nephilim nature is one of order in contrast with chaos. They are poor fits for organizations that are not flexible and adaptive. This leads the nephilim to have a respect for authority but a raging hatred of tyrannical practices. For some, this is a clearly defined boundary, and for others it depends on the whim of their variant moods.