The Marauding Orcs

In the World that Was, the children of Eidolon, children of the new gods, arrived with rapid succession, seeming to the followers of the Domara, followers of the old gods, to be a united front, but nothing could be further from the truth. The first husband of Lauriel of Light, the warrior Melican, did not agree with the goddess’s passive approach to conquest, and began a long divergence until his people lived separated from their mother. Melican demanded that his people grow stronger and affix iron to their souls until they had nothing left but strength and devotion. His worshipers changed at his command, and over time, even before the earliest days of the Pyrrhic Age, what was once Melican had become Urguk, and what were once Elves had become Orcs.

Orcish culture has diverged wildly from that of the Elves in their many years of separation from their ancient kin. Though orcs are still possessed of the elven unending lifespan, they never expect it to last long, and continue to grow in stature over the course of their lives. These Greatorcs lead their tribes not due to size or prowess, however, but because of the countless scars and wounds of battle which demonstrate how close to the moment of glorious death they’ve come, and yet lived to slay again. The Clans, the largest unit of Orc society, measure in the many thousands, and have a single Warlord who rules over them with a metallic fist. These Warlords often take tribute from those they find lacking as a credible threat, and constantly pit themselves against those they see as worthy foes.